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Your Inventory is the Heart of Your Digital Storefront

A Running Enthusiast avatar
Written by A Running Enthusiast
Updated over a week ago

We understand that your products are the center of your retail operation. Because of this, we've built a ton of powerful tools and bulk options to help you quickly polish your inventory and get it for sale online.

Navigate to Products > Manage Products to edit your items.

Using tabs and filters to help you find what you're looking for


The Run Free platform provides an easy way to tee up items in your inventory for display in your storefront using complete and incomplete statuses.

Complete: Complete SKUs meet these three criteria: At least one photo is present, a description exists, and a price is set. Without all of these properties, a SKU will be considered incomplete, and will not show up in your storefront. A complete SKU will show three green icons on the right side of the line item.

Incomplete: This shows the inverse of the above to quickly find items requiring setup. Incomplete items are missing a photo, a description, or a price. If you enter an optional short description, but the item description area is blank, the SKU will remain incomplete. An incomplete SKU will show three icons on the right of the line item, with the icon of the missing feature(s) in red.

Relay: The Relay tab appears only for Relay-enabled Run Free Project stores. If you subscribe to Relay, this tab will display all of the available Relay SKUs from your selected Relay vendors.

All: This tab displays all SKUs in your inventory with the exception of deleted SKUs.

Deleted: This tab displays SKUs you have deleted from within the Run Free platform. Deleting a SKU within the Run Free environment does not remove it from your inventory system.


We've cultivated a collection of essential filters to help you find specific inventory quickly. These filters can be utilized across each of the aforementioned tabs. Each is outlined below:

Search: Search for any SKU in your inventory system for fast edits

Brand: Filter by Brand Name

Category: Filter by Category

Stock: Filter by stock status. In stock means that your inventory system indicates the number of items on hand for that SKU is greater than zero. Out of stock means your inventory system indicates the number of items on hand for that SKU is 0 or fewer.


Online: Only displays items that have the "Show On Site" toggle on. This means they are set to appear for sale, visible to customers in your storefront

Offline: Only displays items that have the "Show On Site" toggle off. This means they are set to be hidden from customers and will not show in your storefront.

Item Count & Clear Button

A red clear button appears to the right of the filters. Tapping clear resets all filters. A number appears in a darkened box to the right of the clear button. This item count indicates the number of SKUs that are returned for any given filter combination. For example, if you set the Brand filter to "Brooks" and the Status filter to "Online", and 257 appears in the item count box, there are 257 SKUs that match the Brooks brand that are set to show online.

Bulk Edit Options

Select the Bulk Action menu to view a treasure trove of bulk edit options. Select one or many SKUs using the multi-select checkboxes to take advantage of these mass edit features.

Set Item Names In Bulk

This feature enables you to set the "Product Name" for multiple SKUs simultaneously. It's particularly useful when grouping like SKUs together.

PRO TIP: Items will be automatically grouped with a "more options" badge in your ย 
โ€‹storefront if the name is identical, which makes this feature powerful for grouping
โ€‹items like the same shoe model in multiple colors.

Set Item Descriptions In Bulk

This feature enables you to set the "Description" for multiple SKUs simultaneously. This works great for setting bulk descriptions for the same product with different color SKUs.

Set Category Filters In Bulk

This feature enables you to add a "Category" filter to multiple SKUs simultaneously. A great example would be adding items in bulk to a new "Sale" Category.

Set Shipping Templates In Bulk

This feature enables you to easily apply the same "Shipping Template" to multiple SKUs at the same time. A good example would be filtered down to all Men's Footwear and applying the same shipping template you set up for an average shoebox size and weight.

Change Prices and Sale Flags In Bulk

This feature allows you to bulk edit the price of a group of SKUs with a single tap. You can also toggle on or off the sale flag, in addition to resetting the auto-update with your inventory system.

Take Items Online or Offline In Bulk

This handy feature allows you to hide or show items from your digital storefront en masse.

Bulk Deleting Items

This feature should be used sparingly. Even if your inventory system (RICS/Heartland/Lightspeed) was to get the item back in stock in the future, the push will be ignored as this SKU was already flagged as deleted. However, if you want to restore a SKU from deletion, simply navigate to the Deleted Tab, select the SKU(s) you want to restore, select the individual item or use Bulk Actions, and choose Undelete. The SKU(s) will disappear from the deleted tab, re-appear in your Run Free inventory, and synchronization with your inventory system (RICS/Heartland/Lightspeed) will resume.

Editing Product Details

Select edit in the action menu, to navigate to the Product Details Edit Page. You can find specific details on all the individual options per item here.

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