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Manage Categories

Customize Your Digital Storefronts Category Filters

A Running Enthusiast avatar
Written by A Running Enthusiast
Updated over a week ago

Navigate to Manage Inventory > Categories to add/edit/delete items categories.

Category filters are a great way to guide your customers to what they're searching for faster. Categories can be individually (or bulk) assigned to any item in the item library. Item Categories can be created in two ways. First, automatically, via import from your inventory system (RICS, Springboard), or second, custom via the Run Free platform.

Adding/Editing a Category

Tap the "Add Category" button, or select edit in the action menu, to pop the Category Detail Modal. Enter a category name and choose its visibility.

Hiding Categories

Since your inventory system automatically sends Run Free all categories with an associated SKU, they may not always be in a user-friendly format. To mitigate this, we've built a "Hide" function allowing you to turn off categories from being displayed in your digital storefront.

Find a URL for a specific Category

It is common to run marketing campaigns for a specific category. In the Run Free platform, we've optimized the customer-facing search function for speed, but sacrificed static URLs by default for search results.

However, static URLs for specific categories do exist, and are accessible in this section of the platform. Simply tap the Action arrow to the right of the category you'd like to get the link to, and tap "View" in the dropdown list as shown below.

You will be redirected to a front end view of the category page (from the customer's perspective). The URL of that page is the static reference to that category. Simply copy it from the browser's URL bar and paste wherever you need to directly link to the category.

Override Label

Category names that make sense to your employees in your inventory system may not make sense to your customers, so it may be necessary to override a given category name. You can do this by finding the category you want to change and selecting Action > Edit, then in the Overide Label field, type the new category name as you would like it to appear to your customer. This action will not change classes or categories in your inventory system, it will only make changes on the Run Free platform.

Parent Category

Category presentation in your digital storefront is important. In many instances, it makes sense to display broad categories with sub-categories that are more granular. You can accomplish this in the Run Free platform using Parent Category assignments. Find the category you want to assign a parent category to and select Action > Edit, then in the Parent Category dropdown, find the desired top-level category you want the selected category to belong to. For example, if you want Insoles to appear under the Accessories category, you would edit Insoles, select Accessories in the Parent Category dropdown, and tap Save.

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