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Manage Pages

Quickly build custom webpages for virtually any purpose

A Running Enthusiast avatar
Written by A Running Enthusiast
Updated over a week ago

Pages allow you to create actual web pages for virtually any purpose. Mix and match sections to customize your content. Use pages to create About Us or Contact Us pages that rarely change, or build temporary landing pages for new releases or pay-per-click campaigns. With Run Free Projects' simple page builder, the sky's the limit. Then build your own custom menus and product collections to link it all together.

Before you jump in, feel free to watch our quick Sprint TV episode where were dive into Menus, Page, and Collections.

Add a new page to your online store


  1. From your Run Free Project admin, click Layout > Pages.

  2. Click Add New Page in the upper right.

  3. Enter a title and preferred URL for your page.

    HINT: Be descriptive and clear when choosing your webpage title. The webpage title displays in the tab or title bar of browsers. It also appears as the page title in search engine results. Learn more about page SEO.

  4. Under Show Online, select whether the page should be published. By default, your new webpage will be visible when you click Save Page. Select the Off option if you want your new webpage to be hidden from your online store.

  5. Click Save Page.

  6. Optional: To make a published webpage appear in your online store navigation, add a link to it in a menu.

Page Content Sections

Pages use sections to create your ideal layout. Most sections are made up of blocks that serve a specific function, such as headers, text, images, collections, or feeds. Using sections in your pages provides more flexibility in how you arrange your store's content, enabling you to control the look and feel of your online store without the need to edit code.

Section Types include:

*Uploading Images to WYSWIG Content Areas

Add a Section


  1. From your Run Free Project admin, click Layout > Pages

  2. Click on the page you would like to add a section to or add a new one.

  3. In the + Add section block, tap on the icon for the section type you'd like to add.

  4. Click on the new section to edit the content within the section.

  5. Optional: Click and drag the ⋮⋮ icon next to a section to rearrange the sections on your page.

  6. Click Save Page.

Edit a Section


  1. From your Run Free Project admin, click Layout > Pages

  2. Click on the page and scroll to the section you would like to edit.

  3. Click individual sections to edit the content within the section.

  4. Click Save Page.

Remove a Section


  1. From your Run Free Project admin, click Layout > Pages

  2. Click on the page and scroll to the section you would like to remove.

  3. Click the red x to Delete on the right side of the section.

  4. Delete one or more sections, then Click Save Page.

Section Type Details

Title Bar

This full-width section is perfect for a simple page title or header. It includes a text box for the title text, a selector for white or black text, and a color picker for setting the background color.

Title Image

This section is perfect for a page title or just kicking off a new section of content. Select a large background photo, and enter a title and brief section description. A Call to Action button is also optional.


Configure your slides, which are often referred to as "banners", in this section. You can add as many slides as you would like, and your customers can use the arrows at each edge of a slide to scroll to the next one. You can also assign a URL to each slide so that when your customer clicks on it, it takes them to a specific area of your store. Click and drag the ⋮⋮ icon next to each slide to rearrange the display order.

Image with Text

One of the most used content sections, the image with text section, can be used in a variety of ways. Use the image alignment dropdown to select if your preferred left or right arrangement. Upload a section photo and enter a title heading. Use the description text area to enter any content you like. A call to Action button is also optional.

Hint: While the description field is a basic text box, it does accept basic HTML formatting. Here are a few examples you can use.

Text Link

<a href="">Click Me</a>

Bold Text

<strong>This text is bold!</strong>

Line Break or Space


Featured Collection

Display any collection of your choosing. Select the collection and choose how many products you would like to display. Include a view all button to link to the full collection at the bottom of the section.

Collection List

Feature a selection of your favorite collections. Set a section title and up to three collections blocks to be displayed. Each block will include the collection image, title, and link to the full collection.

Brands List

The Shop By Brand section is entirely automated based on your settings in the Manage Brands section of your store, which is fed by the Run Free Project's integration with your inventory system. An example customer view of the Shop By Brand section is shown below.

On the custom homepage configuration dashboard, you can set the section title, the section subtitle, and toggle Shop By Brand off entirely by toggling "Show" to off in the upper right corner of the section. The section configuration for the customer view in the image above is shown below.

Category Tiles

Configure your category tiles in this section. An example of the customer's view of the Shop By Category Section is shown below.

Note the phrase in large black font is configured in the "section title" area, and the smaller phrase beneath it is configured in the "section subtitle" area in the section shown below. You can add as many category tiles as you would like, assigning a URL to each tile, so that they act as buttons, taking your customer to a specific area of your store.

Tap the "Add More +" button in the Slides Section to add additional slides, and tap the red "X" circle in the upper right corner of each slide configuration area to remove it.

Tap "Upload an Image" to upload your own image to display as this category's tile. Images should be square with a resolution of 1000 pixels wide x 1000 pixels tall. Enter the category name as you want it to appear to your customer, displayed on this category tile, in the "label" field. You can link category tiles to pages in your store by copying and pasting the URL in the "URL" field.

The Shop By Category section can be turned off entirely by toggling "Show" to off in the upper right corner of the section.

Vendor Releases

The Run Free Project has partnered with your favorite brands to help you promote new product releases. These brands provide ready-made "full-width pod" images and "half-width pod" images that you are free to use. An example customer view of the Vendor Releases section is shown below.

The Vendor Releases section configuration area allows you to add and remove full width and half-width pods, using pre-loaded, pre-styled images from the vendors, or your own images. An example of this configuration area is shown below.

Full-Width Pod: A full-width pod is roughly the same size and shape as a slide. It holds an image that is rectangular, with an optimal resolution of 2000 pixels wide x 500 pixels tall.

Half-Width Pod: A half-width pod is roughly half the size of a full-width pod, and is designed to display neatly next to another half-width pod on your custom homepage. It holds an image that is rectangular, with an optimal resolution of 1000 pixels wide x 500 pixels tall.

The Vendor Releases section can be turned off entirely by toggling "Show" to off in the upper right corner of the section.

News & Events

This section is completely automated for Loyalty and Rewards App customers. Set a custom section title, and then select the positioning of your store's news and events feeds. The feeds will auto-update as new news and events are posted. Each post will link directly to the individual post pages for viewing or sharing.

Search Box

A simple global search box. Define any placeholder text you like, or use the default.

Basic Text

This section is a basic full-width single-column text area. Bold, Italic, Sizing, Alignment, Links, Photos and more. Use the custom HTML section for more advanced formatting.

Column Layout

This section is perfect for central page content. Choose between two, three, or four-column layouts. Each column gets its own WYSIWYG editor to add text, photos, or customer HTML.

Custom HTML: For Videos, or Embedding External content

This section is a blank canvas for anything you would like to add. YouTube Videos, Google Calendars, Custom Widgets, or Marketing integrations. This section can contain any HTML, CSS, or JS. A few examples below

YouTube Example:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe src="
etz=Australia%2FPerth" stvle="border: none" width="800"
height="600" frameborder="none" scrolling="no"</iframe>

Embed Forms Example:

<!-- MightyForms Section --> <div class="mighty-form" id="mf-6af8ead8-09cc-44b2-a567-b003969b96ad"></div> <script async src=></script> <!-- End MightyForms Section -->

Uploading Images to WYSWIG Content Areas

Uploading an image for a custom content area is as easy as clicking the 'Image' button on the WYSIWYG Editor.

To upload a new image, tap the 'Upload' Tab and choose an image file to upload, then tap 'Send to the Server.'

By default, all images are sized at their actual width and height in pixels. In some cases, these can appear static, meaning they won't auto-size based on the page or column width. To set the image to auto-adjust, change the values to '100%' width and '100%' height.

You can also select from previously uploaded images to your site. Select the image info tab and tap 'Browser Server.' Doing so will open a pop-up window with a library of

your previously uploaded images to select from.

Optional Page SEO

The Search engine listing preview area shows a preview of how the page will be displayed in search results. Freeform fields are provided for custom Page Titles, Keywords, and Descriptions. If nothing is entered, the default page title will be used.

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