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ShipWorks Integration
A Running Enthusiast avatar
Written by A Running Enthusiast
Updated over a week ago

What is ShipWorks?

Shipworks is an online service for managing shipments of high volume ecommerce merchants.

Where can I create a ShipWorks account?

If you don't already have a ShipWorks account, please follow the signup & setup instructions on their website here:

How do I integrate my Run Free store with ShipWorks?

Once you have created a ShipWorks account, then downloaded, installed, and logged into their application, you should be prompted to setup an online store:

Select the "Generic Module" option from the drop down list shown below, then click "Next"

Then enter your username & password for the administrator account of your Run Free store account.

*Note: This is NOT your ShipWorks username and password

In the field labeled "Module URL", enter the full web address to the main page of your Run Free store, followed by "/shipworks/module", (ie.

Then click Next. See below for an example configuration:

On the next page you should be prompted with your stores information pre-filled in and displayed in the appropriate fields. If there is anything missing or incorrect you can edit it here. Once you're ready, click "Next".

Next you'll see the "Contact Information" page. This should be pre-filled with you're stores support/contact details, but if anything is missing or incorrect you edit it here.

When you're done click "Next"

On the next page, make sure Shipworks is configured to download orders starting from "Your first order" as shown below. Also, check the checkbox next to "Upload the shipment tracking number". Then click Next.

Finally, you will see a summary of the ShipWorks setup with some additional information and links on how to use ShipWorks.

When you're ready, click "Finish":

On the next page you should see your orders download and display in the "Orders" table as shown below:

If you're orders don't automatically download, you can initiate a download by clicking the "Home" button from the top left and then clicking the "Download" button.

Once you're orders are listed in the ShipWorks app, you can left click on them to view the order details, make changes, or add notes.

You can also right click an order to open a context menu with additional options like editing and shipping an order:

Congrats! You're run free store should now be integrated with ShipWorks.

For more information on how to use ShipWorks you can vist their website and read their documentation here:

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