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Manage App Push Notifications

Set up Automatic and Manual Push Notifications for your App

A Running Enthusiast avatar
Written by A Running Enthusiast
Updated over 2 years ago

To get to the Manage Notifications section, you’ll login to your Admin Dashboard, click on the Loyalty tab, and choose Notifications.

What are push notifications?

An iOS or Android push notification is a message that pops up on a device. Before receiving push notifications from an app, device users must explicitly give permission when opening the app for the first time. Once a user opts-in, the platform can send push notifications to the users' mobile devices. Users also have the ability to mute and edit when and how notifications at any time in their OS's notification management areas.

Learn about User Management of Notifications in Apple iOS or Android

Why are they important?

Use push notifications to message your customers when they might need a reminder about something. People may find value in receiving push notifications that alert them of news, upcoming sales, rewards and mileage achievements, or even event check-in reminders.

Automatic Notifications

News Posts: Enter a message to automatically push when you post news to your app. Use {title} to insert the title of the post in text.

Event Check-Reminders: Automatically send event check-in reminders prior to the check-in. Select from 1 hour, 4 hours, 1 day, 2 days, or 1-week prior.

Rewards Level Achievements: In addition to rewards level achievement emails, rewards notifications push to individuals automatically when a new level is reached using your entered congratulatory rewards level message.

Mileage Level Achievements: In addition to mileage achievement emails, mileage notifications push to individuals automatically when a new level is reached using your entered congratulatory mileage level message.

Manual Notifications

Manually schedule push notifications by tapping the "New Notification" Button and entering a simple Title and Message Body. Send it now or schedule it to send at a future date and time. Use the optional Tag Group to send to specific group of customers.

Notification Tags Groups (BETA)

Manually send push notifications to a specific group of customers using Tag Groups. Easily add tags to any customer individually or in bulk.

Adding a Tag to an Individual Customer

To add a tag to an individual customer, navigate to the customer list and search for the specific customer. On their profile page, just under their basic account information, you'll see a pod called Tags. Adding a tag is as simple as typing a new tag name in the field and hitting return, or selecting an existing tag group. A customer can have unlimited tags. They can also be easily removed by tapping the X on the tag pill.

Adding Tags to multiple customers at once

To add a tag to a group of customers at once, navigate to the customer's list and bulk select the customers you would like to tag. Using the bulk action dropdown, select 'Tag'.

Adding a tag is as simple as typing a tag name in the field. Tapping 'Add Tag' will add the tag group to all selected customers at once.

REMINDER: Push notifications delivery time, and success varies considerably based on a customer's operating system, device type, and user notification settings. We can submit to the OS's notification service but can't guarantee time or receipt.

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