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Manage Locations

Manage Your Stores Name and Address Details

A Running Enthusiast avatar
Written by A Running Enthusiast
Updated over a week ago

Navigate to Manage Inventory > Locations to view/edit your location(s) name(s) and address details.

What is this page used for?

While you're likely never need to edit settings in this area, it's always nice to know it's here. For those customers with multiple locations, this section is used to set the location name and address details used on both order receipts and shipping from calculations. The store code is a locked field and used only as part of the integration with your inventory system.

Adding a New Store

You're adding another location! Exciting! While you can technically add a new store yourself via the add a new location button, its likely better to reach out to us first so we can be sure it's adequately linked with the store codes in your inventory system.

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